Page 16 - I-78-Logistics-Park-OM-v4a
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The Phillipsburg and Lopatcong Township Department
of Planning and Zoning Boards are the primary agencies
responsible for the review and approval of site development
plans which include Site Plan, Preliminary Subdivision
Plan, Preliminary Landscape Plan, Concept Stormwater
Management Plan, Erosions and Sediment Control Plan,
General Development Plan, Final Subdivision Plan, Utilities
Plan, Grading Plan. The review is managed through township
Planning Boards and there hired professionals.
The Fill Import Plan is managed by both municipalities through
the respective town council members and once approved by
the individual councils for each town goes to the NJDEP for
final approval. All of which has happened.
The Traffic Impact Analysis i governed by the NJDOT and
the respective municipalities through their hired Traffic
Consultants. We have approval from both towns through our
General Development Plan (GDP) approval as well as our
Redevelopers Agreements from both tons as well as through
NJDOT. All have been approved.
I-78 Logistics Park has received the GDP and Preliminary
Plan Approval letters which vest the right to develop in
accordance with all filed preliminary site plans, subject to
approval of Final Construction Plans.
With a mid-May 2017 filing for Final Site Construction
Plans and subsequent departmental reviews, the Final Site
Construction Plan Approval is anticipated in July 2017.
The list of Construction Plan sets to be approved includes
Stormwater Management, Erosion & Sediment Control, Public
Water & Sewer, Onsite Public Road, and Civil Onsite work.
12 I-78 L O G IS T IC S P A R K