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        Interstate 78 Logistics Park is ideally positioned to benefit from a number of programs   Interstate 78 Logistics Park benefits from the following economic incentives:
        on a national, state, and local level which present potential Landlord and Tenant with   •   PILOT program grants $0.45 PSF taxes with 2% annual increases providing a
        tax or operational advantages relative to competing development sites. Interested   significant discount to taxes for new construction in the Lehigh Valley which
        parties are encouraged to contact CBRE’s Director of Location Incentives, Susan Harte,   average between $1.00 and $1.25 PSF.
        for additional information.
                                                                                  •   Grow New Jersey Assistance Plan
        •   Susan Harte, ESQ.,MCR                                                 •   Urban Enterprise Zone Program
        •   CBRE | Brokerage Services | Director of Location Incentives

        •   T 212.984.6637 | [email protected]

         REQUIREMENTS                        AUTHORITY/REFERENCE                 PRIMARY BENEFICIARY                 POTENTIAL BENEFITS
         Municipality must apply for real property tax   Five-Year Exemption and Abatement Law   Technically a direct Landlord benefit in the form   Two common scenarios:
         credits from state (actual requirements to qualify   (N.J.S.A. 40A:21-1 et seq.)  of partially or fully abated Real Estate Taxes for a
         may vary based on municipality)                                         negotiated period of time           ANNUAL REDUCTION: Direct negotiation between
                                             Long-Term Tax Exemption Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:20-                           Developer/Landlord and Municipality on an annual
         In most cases, site must be designated as   1 et seq.)                  Typically savings are passed along to tenants in   payment lower than projected Real Estate Taxes,
         “Redevelopment Zone”                                                    the form of lower recoverable expenses  supported by some calculation of other revenue
                                             Each individual PILOT agreement is negotiated                           and employment benefits from the project
                                             separately, and is ultimately sanctioned through
                                             adoption of a local ordinance by the local                              BOND STRUCTURE: “Redevelopment Area
                                             governing body (Municipality)                                           Bond” is paid to Developer/Landlord. Developer/
                                                                                                                     Landlord pays negotiated “debt service” on those
                                             Ordinance and financial agreement, and audits                           bonds in lieu of Real Estate Taxes
                                             of the entity receiving the abatement are
                                             reviewed by the Division of Local Government
                                             Services (LGS) within the state’s Department of
                                             Community Affairs (DCA)
         Located in Qualified Incentive Area  New Jersey Economic Development Authority  Tenant benefit through State Corporate Business   State corporate business tax credits are
                                                                                 Tax Credits                         calculated per job, per year for a period of up to
         Minimum “Capital Requirement” for Industrial                  10 years for each new or retained full-time job to
         New Construction Projects of $60 PSF  Npic_Text.aspx?Doc_Id=1626&       Potential Landlord benefit through higher   be located at the qualified business facility
                                                                                 contractual rent driven by:
         Must meet Minimum Green Standards (state                                                                    Calculation will depend on tenant’s number of
         regulated)                                                              •   Tenant’s annual operating cost savings  newly created NJ jobs (full credit) and retained
                                                                                                                     NJ jobs (half credit)
         Must meet prevailing wage/affirmative action                            •   Tenant’s immediate monetization of future
         requirements on initial construction activity.                              credits on secondary market
         Must meet minimum number of jobs (35 new or
         50 retained full-time jobs)
         Demonstrate that capital investment and resultant
         creation of eligible positions will yield a net
         positive benefit of at least 110% of the requested
         tax credit                                                                                            URBAN ENTERPRISE ZONE PROGRAM

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