Page 22 - I-78-Logistics-Park-OM-v4a
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        The I-78 Logistics Park is located along Routes I-78 and US 22 in the Town of   All of the areas associated with past operations have undergone remedial
        Phillipsburg and Township of Lopatcong, in Warren County, New Jersey.  The   investigations over a period of years, and Remedial Investigation Reports (RIRs)
        Property is also known as the Former Ingersoll Rand Company Facility and   have been submitted (See Table 1) for all areas.
        has been the subject of remediation under NJDEP oversight (Program Interest
        #012833) since the 1980’s.                                                 IR has identified groundwater impacts by light non-aqueous phase liquids
                                                                                   (LNAPL), predominantly aged fuel oil which covers a significant area of the
        The Property has been a leading candidate for redevelopment since 2004.    middle of the site (Figure 11).
        The Town of Phillipsburg and Township of Lopatcong have approved General
        Development Plans for the Property submitted by Opus KTV.  These Plans are   The LNAPL plume is subject to an ongoing remediation effort by IR, with several
        now being implemented by Phillipsburg Commerce Park Urban Renewal Entity,   recovery wells located onsite. There are no offsite impacts by this material.
                                                                                   The vast majority of the Property has been impacted by metals and poly aromatic
        Remediation of the Property is the responsibility of Ingersoll Rand (IR), site   hydrocarbons (PAHs) within foundry sands, for which an approved NJDEP
        investigations and remediation efforts are currently being conducted by IR’s   remedy is capping (be either soil, asphalt or concrete).
        consultant Geosyntec Consulting.  The Property has been divided into several
        different areas, associated with past operations and ongoing environmental   Soil areas identified as impacted by chlorinated volatile organic compounds
        investigation/remediation, including; The Lopatcong Parcel, Farm Fields and   (CVOCs) are located within the Main Facility and Lot 4.01.  IR has committed to
        Farm Land Area, the Eastern Facility/Inverse Ponds, Lots 7.06, 7.07, the Old   removing the impacted soils on Lot 4.01, and proposes a combination of removal
        Landfill, New Landfill, Lot 4.01, Cameron, the Foundry and Stormwater Basin,   and thermal desorption/soil vapor extraction in the Main Facility Area.
        and the Main Facility Area (Figure 2).
                                                                                   Implementation of the Redevelopment Plan for the Property will include the
        Several of these areas have been remediated to the satisfaction of the New   importation of up to 500,000 cubic yards of fill so that areas of the Property
        Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) and have received    are leveled (for drainage control) prior to new building construction. A fill
        determinations of No Further Action required (for soils); including the Lopatcong   importation request was approved by NJDEP in 2016, along with the Remedial
        Parcel, the Old Landfill, and the Foundry and Stormwater Basin. Remedial   Action Work Plan (RAWP) for the construction of Building 3 (Foundry Area).
        Action Reports have been completed for the Old Landfill and the Foundry area   Property development will need to be coordinated with ongoing site investigation
        and the caps in these areas are required to be maintained, and biennial reports   and remediation efforts. Development of the Lopatcong area, the southern
        need to be submitted every two years stating continued compliance with post   portion of the Main Facility (beneath proposed Building 2), and Cameron Areas
        remediation care (maintenance of the caps and stormwater controls).
                                                                                   could proceed shortly.  A RAWP for Buildings 2, 5 and 6 is currently being
        The Farm Fields and Farm Land Areas have been shown to be free of soil     prepared for submission to NJDEP, which would show the incorporation of
        contamination, although one soil area (associated with an historic pipe    backfill, roads, parking areas and buildings as a cap over the identified areas of
        discharge) requires confirmation.                                          concern.

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