Page 23 - I-78-Logistics-Park-OM-v4a
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LOPATCONG 100/1, 101/1, 101/1.01, 102/4 RAO Soil Only, LNAPL plume
FARM FIELDS 3301/1,2 & 4 Soil Clean, one small soil area requires further investigation (historic pipeline), low
levels of TCE in some wells - source not in farm fields
EASTERN FACILITY/INVERSE 3201/7.01, 7.02, 7.10, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13 RIR approved for Eastern Facility in August 2016, RAWP required. RAR for Inverse
PONDS Ponds submitted in June 2015, NJDEP approval anticipated shortly.
LOT 7.06 3201/7.06 RIR submitted April 2016, NJDEP comments provided August 2016, response and
RAWP pending
LOT 7.07 3201/7.07 RIR submitted May 2016, NJDEP comments provided August 2016, response and
RAWP pending
OLD LANDFILL 3201/7.02 NFA/Restricted Use Issued May 2012, cap maintenance required, biennial
certification required
NEW LANDFILL 3201/7.04 Closed/Restricted Use, cap maintenance and groundwater sampling required, RAR
for Foundry Sand Pile submitted, RAWP for PCB AOC submitted
LOT 4.01 3301/4.01 NJDEP comments to RIR/RAWP received September 2016, CVOCs soil area to be
excavated, CVOCS groundwater impacts identified.
CAMERON LOTS 5 & 6 3301/5 & 6 RAR for soil submitted April 2014, NJDEP provided comments March 2015, IR/
Geosyntec to provide further response. CVOCS groundwater impacts identified.
FOUNDRY & STORMWATER 3201/7.05, 7.08, 7.09 NFA for soils and groundwater, restricted use, cap maintenance, biennial reporting
MAIN FACILITY AREA 3201/7.03 Under Investigation for soil impacts by CVOCs, PAHs, PCBs and metals. Also CVOCS
and LNAPL impacts to groundwater. Response to NJDEP comments due shortly
SITE GROUNDWATER Site wide IR continues to recover LNAPL from select wells, and a RIR for chlorinated
compounds in groundwater has been submitted.
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